Stolen Purse

On my first few months here in USA a terrible experience happen. Last week, my husband and I stopped by to pick up a friend from her house. We left the car running (and stupidly my purse too) as we were in a hurry. We were not gone for even 1 minute and when we return to the car - my purse was missing! Thankfully, my passports and other important documents or cards were not in it, only some girl 's stuff and souvenirs from Philippines. There are always bad people anywhere in the world sometimes we grew too trusting we forget that these people exist. Here are some reminders i got from a website about crime prevention.
  • Make sure that all of the car doors are locked whenever you leave your vehicle.
  • Always lock the doors and leave the windows rolled up.
  • Never leave purses or anything valuable in the car or or keep it from full view.
My stolen purse is a gift from my mother and I feel so bad losing it. I feel that they also stole the memories attached to the purse. I am still hoping that one day I will find the purse in the dumpster somewhere, In the meantime, I am just thankful that nothing important was stolen, the car was not stolen and no body got hurt. We learned our lesson well and next time no matter how quick we will be out, we will always lock our car door.

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